1 November 2015

Tartaros pattern Void Claw, painted

Painting this one took a surprisingly long time. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since I hadn't actually painted Tartaros pattern armours before, so I couldn't have developed any sort of routine for it. I still prefer the look on Indomitus pattern by far, so I'm not sure I'm going to paint too many of these anyway. Then again, all bets are off once Forgeworld releases Space Wolves for Horus Heresy.
 The model did end up suitably wolfy to not stick out too much from the rest of the army, while still being different enough to keep things interesting. I actually started to consider adding another Tartaros to the pack. I do have plenty of them unused, all it would take is acquiring another set of compatible lightning claws.
My usual method of The Fang -> Russ Grey -> Nuln Oil -> drybrush with Fenrisian Grey worked fine with this armour, too. The longer Tartaros pattern lightning claws look pretty vicious.
The molecular bonding studs give the armour character. I did end up somewhat rushing the base, though. I may add a grass tuft to it at some point to soften the transition from snow to mud.

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