24 November 2015

Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarius Ranger with a Transuranic Arquebus, painted

My AdMech force is growing very slowly and unsteadily. It might help if I focused more on the Cult Mechanicus, as their models are more expensive points-wise, with the Electro Priests being the cheapest ones, despite costing approximately the same as a Space Marine Veteran and being nowhere near as useful. The way the models are designed definitely dampens my willingness to invest in them. They are bound to start repeating poses soon.
Anyway, the Transuranic Arquebus is one of the cooler weapons in the army. I like the old-timey design coupled with the idea of the weapon still being extremely hi-tech (by the Imperium's standards).
 The weapons long, thin stand proved to be ridiculously fragile (or alternatively, my hands proved to be ridiculously clumsy). The stand broke off at two points, which I had to pin with thin wire. Fortunately, the fix turned out pretty seamless, but I'm still concerned about how hard it will be to transport and move the models on the tabletop without breaking anything.
 I chose the head with the hood pulled back, because variety is the spice of life, and I intend to have at least one more TUA in the same squad.
Other than the fragile stand, the model was relatively uneventful to put together. I just wonder how the Skitarius is supposed to move quicker than most infantry and yet have time to fire an aimed shot in the same turn when he's using a long weapon with a stand, but I suppose the priests of Mars will have their secrets.

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