15 November 2015

Pack of Fenrisian Wolves, painted

I finished this Wolf pack a good while ago, but hadn't varnished them. I also didn't have winter grass tufts at the time, so I decided it was high time to varnish them as well as touch up the bases while I was at it.
I wanted my wolves to be of the blackmaned variety, so I kept their coats' colour scheme strictly within the shades of grey.

 The Fenrisian Wolf models have the same problem as the new AdMech models in the sense that there are very few ways they can be assembled. Of couse, in the Wolves' case, it is a lot more acceptable, as the models only have two halves to their bodies and their heads, and the bodies and heads can be combined freely, though there really are only two different expressions for the heads (maw closed or open). Other than filling the gaps and removing mold lines, there's little to do modelling-wise, except for, of course, basing. This wolf had a fairly simple base with a few pieces of cork for rocks and a couple of grass tufts. Simplicity often works well, though, and I have no major problems with the base. Had I had the grass tufts at the time, I could have saved specific space for them, but would-could-should, didn't.
The colour scheme was mostly black, except for the white paws and lighter grey flanks.
 The rearing pose left plenty of space on the base, so I wanted something eye-catching there. A sword would have been a little too much, but a rusty combat knife sticking from the ground gives the impression that the battlefield has seen combat before.
The colour scheme for this wolf was simply black.
 This base was again fairly simple, except for an ork skull, lodged between two rocks. In the fluff, this says quite a lot more than is first apparent: orks constantly drop spores wherever they are, so if there was an ork on the battlefield once, it's very likely there will be again. And again and again.
The wolf's coat is black, except for a lighter grey, almost white, back.
 Another wolf with only one point of contact with the base, I wanted to use the available space on the base. The model looks like it's going around something, so I made a stunted tree out of green stuff there. I wish I had known I was going to get grass tufts at the time, as I would have certainly saved a space for them by the tree.
Another relatively plain base, with nothing but a couple of pieces of cork and a grass tuft.
I wanted one of the wolves to have a white coat, to balance out the other one with the fully black coat.

The pack is fairly small at five wolves, and I may grow it larger in the future. I intend to make my Cyber-Wolves my self, instead of buying the resin model, which probably means I will buy another kit for conversion purposes in the future.

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