10 November 2015

Land Speeder Typhoon

It's about time to post a vehicle again, and a Land Speeder fits the bill. The armament took some time to decide. After some consideration, I decided to give the speeder some more ranged capability and chose the Typhoon missile launcher over the assault cannon and heavy flamer options.
 I tried to keep my head somewhat cool and to not go overboard with customising the model. I used a Mk.IV helmet for the driver's head and a Mk.VI for the gunner's. There's also a wolf's skull over the cockpit.
 I did have to do a little customising by replacing the Imperial Eagle with a bronze wolf's head. The multi-melta is magnetised and can be swapped for a heavy bolter, once I get it painted. The heat discolouration was achieved with layers of red, purple and blue shades, with some Forgeworld's black soot to finish the look.
I used the same technique for the heat discolouration on the engines, minus the soot.
I considered using the transparent base as-is, but finally decided to be consistent and finish the base similarly to the rest of the army.

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