6 November 2015

Iron Hands Deathwatch Battle-Brother

I have been planning to start a Deathwatch kill team for a good while now, and the latest Space Marine codex includes a suitable formation for this. I recently bought a Sternguard Veteran kit to get started. Iron Hands is probably the Chapter I would choose if I had to replace Space Wolves. Visually, they're like a combination of Adeptus Mechanicus and Space Marines, arguably the two most recognisable 40k factions.
 I'm sort of annoyed by Space Marines changing their base size to 32mm, even though I admit the bigger bases look better. It's going to lead to my Space Wolves looking inconsistent, with some of the models on smaller and some on bigger base. Starting from scratch with the Deathwatch gave me a chance to at least keep them consistent.
Most of the squad is going to use the Sternguard legs with the flowing robes. That didn't seem to fit too well with Iron Hands, thoigh, so I decided to give him a bunch of fine chains instead.
 As I'm probably going to use a Great Company badge for the right shoulder pad on my Space Wolves Deathwatch model, I should have really used a clan symbol on the Iron Hands model, too. However, the gauntlet badge was a lot easier to sculpt than the regular cogwheel shapes that all the Iron Hands clan symbols seem to use, so I'm going with this.
Considering the model's chapter, the bionic hand from Forgeworld's character conversion kit was an obvious choice.
The bolter and left shoulder pad are from Games Workshop's Deathwatch Kill Team Conversion Kit. I also added some extra techy bits from Electro Priest set to the backpack, as I feel like an Iron Hands marine couldn't not have his armour's power source improved on.

I haven't yet decided which Chapter will the next Kill Team member represent. I'm considering the Raptors, the Sensible Marines of the game.

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