22 November 2015

Wolf Guard Pack Leader from Ragnar Blackmane's Company, painted

Chris Wraight raised some interesting questions when he wrote Blood of Asaheim. Gunnlaugr was the vaerangi, or Wolf Guard leader, of the pack and mentioned having been with the pack since the beginning. In the earlier fluff, the Blood Claws and Grey Hunters usually fought by themselves, but sometimes, a member of the Wolf Guard would be assigned to lead a pack for a specific battle. Eventually, I came up with a satisfactory headcanon to explain this. If one of the Grey Hunters distinguishes himself and the Wolf Lord considers him worthy of being a part of the Wolf Guard, but the Grey Hunter chooses to remain with his pack, he may be promoted to the rank of vaerangi. As such, he is of equal rank with the Wolf Lords bodyguard, but remains as a permanent part of his pack. Members of the Wolf Guard are not assigned to lead packs with battle-capable vaerangi, as it would be an insult to the vaerangi's authority over his pack.

Now, I'm aware that there were other problems with the novel, fluff-wise, such as the Grey Hunter with a heavy bolter, for example. I'm effectively covering for mr. Wraight's mistake/use of artistic license.  There's also a problem with the Long Fangs, which can have both, a Long Fang Ancient, the established leader of the pack, and a Wolf Guard Pack Leader. The best way to patch this up that I can think of is that the ancient may be a pack member with the best situational awareness (sort of a super soldier Sterling Archer in space, though they already did that in season 3, IIRC) or sense of target priority, while the vaerangi would be the generally greatest leader, even though tactical leadership and situational awareness are very much connected.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is look, I made a vaerangi.
 I used fairly standard parts for the legs and the torso, but with some decoration from the Space Wolves Pack kit. I painted the same pattern as on Bjorn's leg on the helmet's crest. The pack marking in Blood Claw colours on the knee pad serves to remind him of his beginnings.
 I painted the same shoulder pad marking as the rest of the pack, but in Wolf Guard colours.
The power axe comes from Forgeworld's Mk.IV Power Weapon Set, but with extended haft (a piece of wire and green stuff). I also glued some fine chain around his wrist, just to give it a little more... metal appearance.
The left shoulder pad is one of the older resin Blackmanes pads that GW sold before the new upgrade kit. I wanted to add some variety in the wolftail talismans, so I painted it in red wolf colours.

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