17 November 2015

Grey Hunter of Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company

While it's very understandable to put a lot more effort in HQ models and elite forces than in the normal troops, it should be kept in mind that the relatively cheap Troop choices are the ones that end up determining how the army is going to look. Today, I took a break from a larger model I've geen working on lately to touch up a previously finished Grey Hunter.
 This was one of the first models I painted with blonde hair. The method I use is to start with dark brown base (Rhinox Hide, specifically) and then mix lighter brown with yellow (Gorthor Brown and Yriel Yellow, typically), emphasizing the yellow more on each subsequent layer.  I finally highlight typically with an approximately 1:1 mix of yellow and white.
 The belt-fed bolter is from the Thunderwolf Cavalry kit. I generally like the way belt-fed weapons look. The helmet on his backpack is again a Mk. V. I used one of the older resin Blackmanes shoulderpads on the model.
I decided to give the model a chainaxe, even though Space Wolves codex doesn't allow them. In game terms, it simply counts as a close combat weapon, but looks a lot more wolfy visually.

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