8 November 2015

Salamanders Deathwatch Battle Brother with a Heavy Flamer

I was originally planning on something else for today's update, but things don't always go as planned, as can be seen by the fact that this isn't a Raptor, despite what I wrote last time.
I always knew I wanted a Salamander on my Kill Team, just wasn't sure what role I wanted him in. There were three options: sergeant, Heavy Flamer or a Multi-Melta. I eventually decided on Heavy Flamer, as I thought it was the most usable straight out of a Drop Pod.
 The legs are the ones with a pelt from the Space Wolves sprue, with the fur taken out and replaced with Salamander-y hide. I chose a chest piece with the chain over the legs to give it some more character, though it's not very visible from behind his weapon. The helmet and shoulder pad are from Games Workshop's Deathwatch Conversion Kit.
 I had to sculpt the Salamanders shoulder pad. Luckily, it's not very different from Ragnar Blackmane's Company Badge, with which I have some experience. The Chapter Badge turned out to be pretty simple to sculpt. Unfortunately, it didn't really fit on any of the more decorative shoulder pads on the Sternguard kit, which is somewhat out of character for the Salamanders, with their tendency towards very ornate armours.
Other than the few kitbashed bits, the model was a fairly standard Sternguard marine. Of course, I may yet further differentiate him in the painting phase.

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