3 November 2015

Wolf Scout with a Sniper Rifle

Getting around the limitations set by a kit is probably the most typical reason to convert miniatures. In this case, the limitation was that Space Marine Scout kit with sniper rifles only had so many camo cloaks, and while could have just stuck a rolled-up one on his back, I decided to do something a little more interesting instead.
 The idea of using a wolf pelt with its jaw over the warrior's head isn't exacttly new, since they apparently did that in the ancient Rome (haven't reasearched this myself, so not sure), but it's a good look. I also attached a Wolftail Talisman on the rifle.
Having a pelt for cloak works from the fluff perspective, too. I have based my models for a winter environment, so having the pelt of an animal that lives in similar environment should provide fine camouflage, both by having appropriate colour and by breaking the humanoid shape of the scout. The pelt would probably be thick enough to dampen the scout's heat signatures etc. as well.
I glued some cork under his right foot, again to make the pose a little more interesting. Having feet on slightly different levels goes a long way towards making the models' often overdramatic and awkward poses look more natural.

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