29 November 2015

Grey Hunter with a Plasma Pistol, painted

I was going to make a post about my Void Claw Pack Leader today, but I haven't quite finished painting the model, so here's an older model instead. I'm sure I'll have the Void Claw Pack Leader finished by Tuesday, though.
 As I've previously mentioned, I wanted this pack of Grey Hunters to have a lot of plasma weaponry to tackle on heavy infantry, preferably with a volley straight out of a drop pod. 
 I posed to model so that he's winding his upper body back to deliver a powerful thrust with his chainsword. Shooting poses tend to be easier to make look natural, but I think close combat poses look more dynamic and catch the eye better. I painted the dagaz rune on his left kneepad freehand, just because I figured there should be something there. In hindsight, painting Ragnar Blackmane's army badge might have been a better choice, tying the squad somewhat together with my main force, but seeing as the rune came out fairly clean-looking, I don't mind. Maybe his name starts with the letter (or more accurately, sound) D.
I wanted the model still to have a bolter to take on targets further than 12" away, and used one of the Umbra-Ferrox patterns from Forgeworld to do that. While mixing different bolter types in a unit might not work for the more uniform Chapters, it works for the individualist Space Wolves.

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