13 November 2015

Space Wolf Deathwatch Brother Sergeant

At first, I was going to put my Space Wolf in the Deathwatch Vanguard squad I plan to start on a later date, but I couldn't resist. I may end up having both, though, the other one being there to witness the other's actions, even though Deathwatch veterans can never tell their Chapter brothers what happened during their service.
 The head is from the Thunderwolf Cavalry kit. I could have sculpted one from scratch, but I wasn't planning on putting too much effort in what is going to be a secondary or tertiary army, and besides, I wanted to use these heads for something. Most of the other parts of the model are from the Space Wolves Pack kit.
 The power gladius comes from Forgeworld's Mk.II Power Weapons set.
I decided that the model should have his helmet with him, even if he's not currently wearing it.
I spent a while thinking over his armament. I wanted him to be able to fire his weapon and have the squad charge the same turn, which meant an Assault weapon or a pistol. I considered a Combi-Flamer, but decided that Storm Bolter was a cheaper choice. As for the melee weapon, I didn't want to choose  Lightning Claws, because as a Space Wolf, he'd have access to a better version of those. Seeing how he's in the Deathwatch, I decided he'd be an Ultramarine sergeant's successor. The two would have inevitably locked horns earlier, then won each other's respect, until the Ultramarine would have bequeathed his power sword to the Space Wolf.

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