12 November 2015

Eversor Assassin, painted

Painting a scratch-built model is a little scary. You know that every little flaw that the painting brings to sharper focus is your fault. If you find you don't really like something about the design, the only person you can blame stares back at you from the mirror. Keeping this in mind, I was reasonably content with how this one turned out.
 I decided to use blue instead of grey or white to highlight the model, as dark blue is better suited for stealth than just plain black. It caused the model to look like a female version of Skeletor in the early stages. The impression was significantly weakened with further details, though. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
 Green colour is typically associated with poisons and venoms, so I painted the vials connected to the Neuro Gauntlet green. To differentiate from that, I painted the wire in the sensor array a sort of electric blue.
I painted the combat drug vial on her hip red, as I thought it best reflects the violent nature of the drug cocktail in the assassin's system. I made the base in the same style as my Space Wolves army, even though my AdMech could probably use the assassin's help more.

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