26 November 2015

Grey Hunter from Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company, pauinted

I think I've used the same header for several models now. To really create a narrative for my army, I should come up with a name for each pack, if not each model, but I'm not very good at naming stuff. We'll see if I think of something later on.
 I wasn't planning on making a Thanksgiving special, but the chainblade close combat attachment on his Umbra-Ferrox pattern bolter could be used to carve a turkey, though there probably would be fairly little left to eat. What do you want from me? They don't celebrate Thanksgiving on Fenris, at least I don't think they do.
 The actual "thing" for this model was the customized square shoulder pad. They are shown on some artwork depicting pre-heresy Vlka Fenryka, and I decided I wanted one of my models to have one. The shoulder pad itself is simply a piece of plasticard with green stuff around the edges and the company badge. I sculpted the fur under it primarily to fill in any gaps between the shoulder and the pad.
As with other bareheaded models, I attached the helmet on his gear to show that he has it with him. I also gave him a combat knife to drive home the point that he has a close combat weapon in addition to his bolt pistol and bolter.

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