30 October 2015

The Redmaw, painted (Halloween 'special')

Initially, I was going to paint Bran Redmaw's (post)human figure first, but I wanted to have a thematically appropriate figure to show on Halloween, and The Redmaw's werewolfy appearance fits the bill better than the rest.
 The figure itself was shockingly quick and easy to paint. I simply painted the whole figure with Rhinox Hide, then drybrushed the furry parts with gray shades and the less furry ones with browns and flesh colours.
The only parts that needed any accuracy with the brush were the eyes, mouth and, to some extenct, the claws. I wanted to give the eyes a striking appearance, so I used gold instead of yellow.
The figure was based in my usual fashion, with Stirland Mud drybrushed with Mourn Mountain Snow for the earthy parts and Mechanicum Standard Grey drybrushed with Dawnstone for the rocks, adding some modelling snow and a winter grass tuft to finish the look. Finally, I varnished the figure with Purity Seal.
See the model before painting

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