25 October 2015

Void Claws Pack Leader

It looks like Void Claws will be the first of the Champions of Fenris formations I will finish, only a little over a year after the supplement came out. It was partially because I came up with a pretty simple and clear theme for the models, but mostly because that theme included wearing helmets.
 The Pack Leader is marked by the back icon from the Space Wolves Upgrades kit. I also wanted to give him a lot of wolf tail talismans, and decided to sculpt them myself. I probably will clean up the sculpts somewhat before painting. Other than that, the model is a fairly standard Void Claw, with the shield with the pack marking and the extra cabling that I imagine somehow helps with teleportation.
 I wanted to give the model a somewhat more interesting pose than to just have him standing around, so I used a set of legs with a bent knee and added some cork under the bent leg. I find it works wonders when trying to pose the models with otherwise standard legs.
 The Pack Leader is fourth of the Void Claws I've modelled so far. The fifth one will have a Cyclone missile launcher, and I may later make a sixth one, in case I want to either field the formation as simply as possible, or if I want to make the pack larger and scarier.

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