2 October 2015

Tartaros Void Claw

I was going to do stuff other than Terminators for a while, but I can justify this, since it's not the Indomitus-pattern. A good while back, I ordered a set of Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armours from Forgeworld, as well as the set of Power Weapons. As far as I know, they were primarily meant to be used by Forgeworld's Minotaurs chapter in 40k, who can get their hands on the rarer and more advanced armour through their connections to the Inquisition. Space Wolves are sort of the opposite of that, but they are a first founding chapter, and have an armoury that dates back to the Great Crusade, when Tartaros pattern armours were being mass produced.
I decided early on that Tartaros patterns would be mostly used by the Great Wolf's company, with the High King of Fenris also acting as a custodian for the chapter's most prized relics. When I made the decision to have all my Wolf Claws keep their battle helmets on, it made it even easier to find a pack for one of the armours, since the high collar makes it a little difficult to make bare heads fit right on the models.
 Because the armour is as old as it is, I thought it made sense it's been repaired a few times, so I added some molecular bonding studs to the legs. I also added a rondel with my Void Claws pack marking on it to the left shoulder. The chestplate has a simple wolf's head design.
 I kept it simple with the decoration on the claws, too. I scupted two axe heads with a rune on each of them.  He also has the extra cabling helping with the teleporting.
I tried to pose the model so that he's using his right arm to check the opponent while preparing the left for a powerful thrust or slash. Tartaros pattern Terminators give the modeller a little less choice regarding the pose than many other armours in that there's a fairly limited range of motion for the waist, more so than with the standard plastic Terminators.

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