20 October 2015

Iron Priest in Mk.IV Armour

Having modeled two Rune Priests and painted one, and modeled a Wolf Priest, my lack of Iron Priests was starting to annoy me. Now, I appreciate minor annoyances as much as the next guy, but I was not lacking in those, so I decided to build myself an Iron Priest
 The torso of the figure is one of the Mk. III "Iron" armour torsos packed in the Mk.IV Power Weapon pack from Forgeworld, which, while making the title of this blog post something of a white lie, does look bulky and tough enough to warrant a 2+ save, especially with some extra decoration to give the impression of higher quality worksmanship. To supplement that, I gave the model's legs (which are Mk.IV, as promised) some extra plating.
 The biggest challenge in building an Iron Priest was the servo arm. I used pieces of AdMech Skitarii Ironstrider Balistarius autocannon barrels for the bulk of the servo arm and pieces of armoured cabling from Fulgurite Electro Priests. The claws are from the Venerable Dreadnought kit, and while they do look pretty big for an infantry model, I sort of like the mean, oversized look.
I added some wolfish decoration to the model's bolt pistol, in the form of a wolftail talisman and a front sight made out of a fang. The bionic arm is from Forgeworld's Space Marine Character Conversion Kit. I added a Fulgurite Electro Priest's backpack on top of the Space Marine backpack to bulk it out with appropriately Mechanicum themed stuff.

I'm thinking of making another Iron Priest in the future, but having that one mounted on a heavily modified Thunderwolf. In the meantime, the next step to build some Servitors to make this one more useful. It will be a challenge to make them, but luckily, there are plenty of pieces left in the Electro Priest sprues, and I don't exactly desperately need those for my AdMech army. Beautiful models, too bad they're the least useful unit in their codex.

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