11 October 2015

Blood Claw with a Flamer

One of the nice things about sculpting Space Wolves is that you can sculpt some pretty crazy hairstyles. Everything from a bald head to a foot-tall mohawk is appropriate. This is especially useful with Blood Claws, since I generally keep them clean-shaven. This time, I decided to do a whole bunch of small braids.
 Other than his head, the model is pretty standard. I prefer to not give Blood Claws too many wolfy bits, as they have to earn them, which a pack of whelps haven't had time to do yet.
 Flamers work well for Blood Claws, because they are cheap and bypass the whelps' weak ballistic skill. Blood Claws are also going to want to assault the enemy, so they'll want to get as close as possible anyway.
This is the second Blood Claw model ready to be painted so far. Long way to go, especially since Blood Claw packs have to be large to be of any real use.

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