9 October 2015

Grey Hunter with an Aventail, painted

While Elites are a lot of fun to build and paint, Troops form the backbone of an army, and with Space Wolves, the Grey Hunters are the solid, versatile choice. That doesn't mean they should look boring, though.
 Umbra-Ferrox pattern bolters look a lot meaner than the more common Godwyn IVb pattern models, especially with the chainblade attachment. The irregular shape of the blade makes it a little difficult to design any decorative patterns on it, though.
 I don't think any two of the Redmaw company badges I've hand-painted have looked the same so far. Weirdly enough, it doesn't bother me, though I still wish GW would start making shoulder pads with company badges other than the Blackmanes.
With this one, the strength of the Grey Hunter pack with plasma weapons is now at seven men. Many of the ones so far have had their helmets on. Will probably have to change that for the next one, to keep things interesting.

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