6 October 2015

House Taranis Imperial Knight Errant

The Imperial Knight model has a couple of problems. The most obvious one is the price, though you could argue it's pretty much in line with GW's pricing policy in general. The next problem is that there's only one way to position the legs, and while fielding multiple Knights may not be very sportsmanlike in standard-sized games, I'd still prefer to be able to position the legs differently without having to rebuild the model too drastically, or without turning to Forgeworld.
That all said, the model is still very cool-looking. Of course, I still couldn't just build a standard one, and decided to add some LED's.
 I used a multi-tool to drill holes where the model's eyes were, and added two green 3 mm LEDs. I had to slightly modify the diodes so that they would fit in the sockets, but managed to make them replaceable, in case the original pair burns out or is otherwise damaged. There are also two superbright orange LEDs in the thermal cannon, but they are disconnected from the circuit for now.
I included a wolftail talisman and what I imagine was Berek Thunderfist's (Ragnar Blackmane's predecessor) company badge. In my headcanon, the knight and the Thunderfist company served together on a campaign, where they earned each other's mutual respect. I still plan to give one of my Space Wolves models something to tie them together with House Taranis. It will probably be a Long Fang model or possibly a Dreadnought.
The mask is magnetized and removable, as can be seen here. If I buy the new, expanded Knight set at some point, I plan to magnetize the other Mechanicum masks similarly to make them interchangeable.
 I was going to magnetize the main ranged weapon, too, so that it could be changed between a thermal cannon and a rapid-fire battle cannon. However, I would have had to somewhat compromise the appearance of the weapon, and decided against it.
Despite the effort to tie the model in with my Space Wolves, I did eventually end up basing it with the red sands style of my Adeptus Mechanicus army.
I'm reasonably satisfied with how the model turned out, and am tempted to buy the expanded kit, probably making it into a Knight Warden. We shall see.

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