27 October 2015

Void Claw with a Cyclone Missile Launcher

Since I had modelled nearly all of my Void Claws anyway, I decided it would be best to do the last one quickly, too.
I usually try to give each model in a pack one gimmick, such as bionics, a particular special weapon etc. This time, as I was running out of Wolf Claws (there are four in a Wolf Guard Terminator kit, two of which are the same), I decided to make one of the arms bionic. In addition to this, I also gave the model a Cyclone Missile Launcher. That's two things, but we'll let it slide.
 Instead of using one of the plastic shoulder shields, I sculpted a round one, to better tie the Tartaros pattern Void Claw in with the group. I also gave this guy an extra crotch plate. Supposedly, the wound that took his arm made him more cautious.
 The bionic arm is mostly made of Adeptus Mechanicus Electro Priest parts. You may notice that, at the time of writing, his right extra cable is still missing.That will be fixed before painting.
His left side is mostly standard parts, except for the shoulder shield.
With this one done, I can move on to painting and, hopefully, to other packs and formations, such as Arjac's Shieldbrothers.

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