23 October 2015

Wolf Scout with a Sniper Rifle

From a narrative standpoint, it makes sense that Wolf Scouts are an Elite choice. They're proven warriors with a natural affinity towards stealth. I just wish the rules reflected this better. I'd welcome a formation that gives Wolf Scouts some more abilities. As it is, I find that sniper rifles are the most appropriate equipment for them.
This is another older model that I finished a good while back. I wanted to emphasize the model's stealthy nature, so I sculpted a fur-lined hood over his head. I also chose to leave his rifle's casing black instead of deep red.
 I painted the camo-cloaks grey to fit the terrain I have used on the bases. I did consider painting some actual camouflage patterns, but decided they would too complicated to paint on the wavy surface of the cloaks.
As usual, I assembled the model fully before painting. As a result, I had to paint the face from an awkward angle, between his rifle and the cloak. I'm not too satisfied with how the face and particularly his left eye turned out.

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