29 October 2015

Thunderwolf Cavalry with a Bionic Arm

Fun fact: this entry was almost titled as "Lefthanded Thunderwolf Cavalry". Luckily, I stopped to question if left-handedness is really enough of a distinguishing feature for a model of a genetically and bionically enhanced supersoldier, wearing powered armour, wielding an axe with chainblade, and riding on a massive wolf. Feel free to disagree with me on this, but I don't think it is.
 This model has far less custom-sculpted parts than the previous two, with just the mount's armour being made of Green Stuff. Speaking of, I may decide to add a couple of plates more on the hindquarters of the thunderwolf, just to make it seem more balanced.
I wanted to have at least one of the tree models wear a helmet, and since the other two are bare-headed, this guy gets to hide his face. I considered using one of the canid head masks included in either the Space Wolves Pack or Upgrades kit, but decided to go with the Mk.V helmet instead, because I like the look. His bionic right arm is from Forgeworld's Space Marine Character Conversion set, with a Legion Phobos Chainaxe pinned to it.
 The right side of the model is particularly standard, with the Storm Shield being actually from the same kit as the Thunderwolf mount. Other than the chain reins and the helmet for the wolf, one could almost mistake it for a non-converted model.
This brings my total number of modelled Thunderwolf Cavalry to two and three quarters, the first one I blogged about still needing a little bit of decoration and cleanup. I will probably end up buying another Thunderwolf Cavalry kit, to make the total number of the pack up to five and to use the sixth mount for another Iron Priest.

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