22 October 2015

Second of the Void Claws. painted

One model is hardly a formation, and I needed at least five, so I decided it was time to paint another Void Claw.
 The model itself had few distinguishing features, besides the molecular bonding studs, so I decided to differentiate it a little further in the painting stage by leaving his helm black. I did the same to the casings of his Wolf Claws, giving the model a somewhat darker look than most Terminators.
 The extra studs were not only somewhat fiddly to sculpt, but painting them took some time, too. Since I wanted to leave the shoulder pad underneath black, I had to paint each individual stud one by one. Luckily, there wasn't too many of them.
Otherwise, the model was fairly standard Indomitus pattern Terminator. I kept the base simple, as well.
Two Void claws down, three to go. The next steps with the Void Claws are probably going to involve the Tartaros pattern Terminator and the pack leader.

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