15 October 2015

Ragnar Blackmane, finished (this time for real)

I'm starting to understand George Lucas. This is the third time I replaced a head on my Ragnar Blackmane miniature, instead of just making a new model and leaving the old one as it was. In my defense, sculpting big chainswords is really fiddly, and this one has a Frostfang I'm reasonably satisfied with.
 When I started sculpting this head, I wanted to pay special attention to making the character's brow. The main problem I had with Ragnar's previous head was that he looked too calm. To make facial expressions visible in this scale, they need to be seriously exaggarated.
Another thing to pay attention to was how clean the sculpt was. It's very easy to leave some areas a little rough, but they become painfully apparent in the painting stage.
I recently learned to use a fairly limited palette when painting flesh. Too wild changes in tone make the model look like it needs to see a dermatologist, and drybrushing is very risky. The character ended up looking much more like a person than many of my earlier models.
 The new head fits the model IMO much better than the previous one, and the Allslayer actually looks more furious than surprised.
I should be done now swapping this guy's head. If I find that I still don't like it, I will just make a new model instead of sculpting a fourth head for the same one, and I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon.
See the first version of the model before painting
See the first attempt at the painted model

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