14 August 2015

Ragnar Blackmane

This is an old project and one of the first conversions I started on when I got back in WH40k a couple of years back. It was always obvious to me that even though I chose Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company to be the backbone of my army, I wouldn't be using the official GW model. A classic it may be, but it just doesn't sit well with the more modern pieces.

 The Frostfang conversion visible here is actually the second version of the weapon I sculpted, the first one ending up being far too clunky-looking to my liking. The version I ended up with was finished just slightly before GW released the Space Wolf upgrade sprue with a nearly identical chainsword.
The piece shows its age in the ProCreate/Green Stuff mix I used to originally sculpt the wolf head on his left pauldron, as well as his pelt, though I did enhance the pelt with some better Green Stuff details later on.
The model is now nearly ready to be painted. Soon enough my army will have a living leader and Bjorn can get back to sleep. About time, too, he was getting a little cranky.
See the first attempt at painting the model
See the model as it eventually turned out

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