16 October 2015

Arjac Rockfist, work in progress

Arjac was one of the first special characters I started working on when I returned to 40k hobby a couple of years ago. In the fluff, he is described as a huge man, even by Astartes standards, which gave me the interesting challenge of trying to make a model in Terminator armour look bigger than a Terminator. While I managed to clear that hurdle, the relatively crude sculpting I did at the time discouraged me from continuing to work on the model, until now. Rather than just redoing what I don't like, I decided to take a moment to show what I did back then, before going on to redo the parts I'm unsatisfied with.
 The head of the model isn't actually too bad, though the sculpt could definitely be a lot cleaner. It remains to be seen if the head needs to be replaced, or if it will be enough to just fix the eyes and the brow. The blacksmith's apron will need to be redone, but the pelt on his left shoulder looks actually pretty good and may stay as it is. Foehammer's head definitely needs to be redone.
One of the methods I used to give the model more height was adding extra material to the soles of his boots. Arjac used to be an Iron Priest, so I gave the boots Mechanicum's cogtooth pattern decoration.
Another method I used was adding material to the top of the legs piece, lengthening his torso. I also added plenty of ProCreate to the sides of the model's torso, in addition to the guitar strings to emulate extra cabling.
 Anvil Shield needs to be redone, as well. In addition to looking crude, the shield's decoration just isn't great conceptually. I added the shield boss as something of an afterthought. Contrary to GW's official model, I think the shield should be more or less flat, as it's described as routinely being used offensively, which just doesn't work as well with a domed shield. While the final shield may well end up having a picture of an anvil on it, it'll have to be a lot more stylized.
Speaking of anvils, the anvil decoration on top of the torso needs some touching up, as well. Probably just some decoration, though.
The base was one of the first where I thought of putting something under the foot of the bent leg. It probably won't need much improvement.

Remains to be seen how long it takes to get the model to my liking.

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