13 October 2015

Sicarian Ruststalker Princeps, painted

I like that the leader of a group of Ruststalkers is called a 'princeps'. It makes Adeptus Mechanicus' connection to Titans somehow more palpable, even if the stealthy cybernetic assassins are very different from the enormous war-walkers.
The long robes over the Princeps' torso are very effective at marking out the leader. The character's chord claw, twin transsonic blades and the dataspike give it a very lethal appearance. 
 I try to give transsonic weaponry a high-tech, electric appearance by highlighting them from black to white through electric blue. IMO, it works pretty well.
I tried to use the transfer sheets that came with the models, but I just couldn't get them to work to my satisfaction, so the cogtoothed pattern on the hem of the robe is painted by hand.

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