31 January 2016

Third Blood Claw of the Blackmanes, painted

I'm not planning on actually numbering the Blood Claws, but I'm also not going to come up with names for each of the 15 Blood Claws in the pack. The rookies are as close to cannon fodder as the Sky Warriors get, and they're supposed to make up for their lack of skill with ferocity and just sheer numbers.
 The rune on the model's forehead is pretty bright, because I used Wild Rider Red to paint it. The actual reason was Mephiston Red not being willing to cooperate, but for narrative purposes, you could imagine the Blood Claw has the potential to become a Rune Priest, if he survives.
 I personalized his Mk.VI helmet by painting the "beak" yellow and adding a red pattern, making it extra clear the model is a Blood Claw.
I'm reasonably happy about the way the model turned out, though it is clear that I shouldn't leave too many of the Blood Claws bald. Space Wolves seem to lack something when they have neither scruffy hair nor beard, and the fact that in my Great Company Blood Claws keep their faces shaven leaves few options. I may add another bald model in the pack later, though.

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