3 January 2016

The Blackmanes' Blood Claw, painted

I haven't started with the terrain building project yet. It was a crazy weekend, and not in the "went out and partied like rockstar" way, but in the "had a clogged sewer, with which I battled for several stinky hours". I just barely had time to finish one model.
Blood Claws are certainly more colourful than most of Space Wolves, thanks to their red and yellow markings. I capitalized on this by repeating the pack markings (in the shape of two red fangs) on the left knee pad. On the right, I painted the white skull and crossbones, ie. Ragnar Blackmane's army badge.
The old resin shoulder pad is clearly less impressive than the new ones. It works with Blood Claws, who would have whatever armour is available, while the more prized equipment would go to more senior warriors.
The relatively simple style continues on the backside of the model. Keeping things simple with Blood Claws is a good idea, not only because they're not supposed to be the most impressive members of the Chapter, but also because they only really work in large packs. For example, I still have to paint 14 packmates for this guy.

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