17 January 2016

Space Hulk Brother Leon

I've mentioned time and time again how I like the Terminator armour's look, but one thing I haven't really praised much so far is Assault Cannon's look, and unlike with Dreadnoughts with Assault Cannons, when they are combined with Terminator armour, it looks all the better.
 Brother Leon's simple and effective heraldry was easy to paint, yet manages to look nice. I might personally prefer models with Assault Cannons to have a little more pompous pose, but as a combat pose, this works fine, and is about as credible as the subject matter allows.
 In hindsight, painting the power fist's casing white may have been a mistake. It'd made more sense to repeat Brother Leon's heraldic scheme there instead. On the plus side, I managed to paint the yellow and black stripes on the cord going through the model's Crux Terminatus well enough.
The rear view of the model doesn't really reveal anything too interesting. I painted the armour red, the support struts and power cable casings gunmetal and the decorations gold.

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