29 January 2016

Long Fang with a Missile Launcher, painted

You can read a thousand warnings how craft knives are very sharp and you should be careful with them, each time think how that should go without saying and yet still find yourself in a situation where you keep pressing several keys at once because you cut into your left index fingertip with a craft knife and the bandage on it makes the whole hand feel unwieldy.
This wasn't really related to tonight's post, but it's what's on my mind and my finger at the moment, so there you go.
 I have found that painting the eyes on heads I have sculpted is weirdly difficult, despite my habit of sculpting the eyes larger than those on GW heads. I think the eye surfaces tend to remain concave, causing me to have to paint the pupils slightly, yet significantly deeper than the eyelid thickness would suggest. I'll have to look into that in my future sculpts.
I decided to paint the wolftail talisman in reddish tones. Greys and browns are fine, but used too consistently, they often become monotonous.
 Whenever I paint the first model of a pack, it means I have to decide on the pack markings. The weirdly shaped trim on the Space Marine missile launcher arm (they may have changed that in the new Devastator Squad kit, I don't know yet) made this a challenge, as I didn't have as much surface area at my disposal as with most shoulder pads. In part because of this, I decided on a simple white rune on black background. The rune I decided on ended up being the thurisaz, pronounced as a th-sound.
I also wanted to paint the cables in a little more interesting manner than solid colours, so I went for the yellow-and-black striped look.
I have painted all the missile casings white so far, with the exceptions of coloured tips. I left the latter out this time around, and just decided the missiles should have all-white casings. This decision was born out of laziness.

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