1 January 2016

Some barricades, and plans for 2016

According to a lot of people who do terrain building, it's best to start small, pick up the skills you need and then move on to larger projects. With this in mind, I made a couple of small barricades way back.
  The bulk of the barricades was made simply by snipping off small pieces of sprue and gluing them on a piece of plasticard. I then went on to glue some extra bits leftover from various kits on top of this.
The arch on this one is from a piece of old Games Workshop's ruins. I also sculpted a couple of sandbags and added a hatch from an old Leman Russ kit from when I collected Catachans in the late 90s.
The larger sliding door is from the Rhino kit, as well as the half of the hatch. I painted all the metal parts with Leadbelcher and then applied Orange Rust rather liberally on top of that. I finished the barricades with modelling snow to make them fit in with my basing style. 
The biggest issue I have with these barricades is that in hindsight, the rectangular pieces of plasticard I built them on were too regular in shape and stick out somewhat. I'd recommend using rounder shapes instead, preferably with some irregularities.

The title mentions that I have some plans for this year, and they're related to these by the way of terrain building. I managed to get my hands on some foamcore, ie. the stuff that hobbyists most like to build terrain out of, and intend to start some sort of build at some point. What it will be, I'm not certain, but I'm thinking of a small Imperial chapel. Depending on how small, it may actually become a multi-part series.

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