26 January 2016

Deathwatch Veteran Grey Hunter, painted

Time for another previously painted and now touched up model. A good while ago now, I ordered a couple of Deathwatch Kill Team Conversion Kits from GW. I have used some of them for my Kill Team (which I still have to start painting at some point), but wanted also to have a veteran or two among my Space Wolves. The Chapter is well-known for sending warriors to serve in the Watch, despite being one of the least orthodox forces of the Imperium, and I wanted to reflect that in my army.
 The metal helmet has significantly more pronounced "cheekbones" than the plastic one, making it look meaner. I also wanted to leave a big part of it black. I like to imagine the Astartes was impressed by Deathwatch, and wanted to show that respect by keeping his helmet largely in the same colours. I also painted a red sawtooth pattern on the helmet's crest, to show that he still respects the Rout, too.
 I used to paint the backpacks differently, with more metal colour showing. I then changed my painting methods, but have elected not to go pack and repaint the older models with my new method.
As can be seen here, the model's left arm is Mk. IV pattern. No great idea behind that, I just had an extra Mk.IV arm lying around. I imagine his armour was damaged during his service to the Watch, and was fitted with an Mk.IV arm that the Inquisition has better access to.
The bolter arm came from the Thunderwolf Cavalry kit. I saw little point in arming my Thunderwolf Cavalry with bolters, but the more wolfy weapons are always welcome for the Grey Hunters.

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