5 January 2016

Space Hulk Sergeant Gideon

Out of the two sergeants in the default Space Hulk Blood Angels, I somewhat prefer Gideon, as far as fluff goes. Rules-wise, Space Hulk Terminators would do well to never let Genestealers come close enough to attack them, which puts Gideon in an awkward position as a model with no ranged capability.
 Space Hulk Terminators are a little trickier to paint than their standard multi-part counterparts, as they can't be disassembled into as many little pieces for painting. I would probably have preferred to paint Gideon's head separately, as the high collar on his armour makes it a little more difficult to reach. Not by a huge margin, but everything counts.
 The highly detailed Storm Shield was a challenge by its own right. It took me a while to decide on a scheme, but ultimately decided on a fairly standard gold decoration on a red background, with the edge decoration painted silver.
Again, note how the Crux Terminatus is less sharply defined than on standard Terminators.
I painted the Thunder Hammer in just metallic colours, the grip and the blue glow effect excluded. I use thinned-down Temple Guard Blue for the glow effect, placing it in a few select recesses.

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