22 January 2016

Blood Claw with a Flamer, painted

Time for another Troops model. I decided to keep building up my Blood Claws for the time being. Right now, the pack consists of... two whole models, which admittedly is still a few short of a horde, though in the fluff, two Blood Claws is enough to claim victory in a skirmish or have a significant impact on a small scale battle.But yeah, pointing out the disparity between the rules and fluff in 40k is nothing new, so let's get on with it.
 In my headcanon, the geneseed of Russ causes many of the blonde Vlka Fenryka initiates turn into redheads. This explains why so many of the models have red hair and/or beard. Out of universe explanation is that I think that red hair is very eyecatching on the miniatures. I also gave him a reddish stubble, as described on the appropriate video on Games Workshop's 2015 YouTube Advent Calendar.
As usual by now, I also painted some knotwork decoration, and as usual, it turned out a little tricky to make work in red and yellow. It looks fine from a normal viewing distance, though, and I suppose that's the important thing. Another usual thing about the paintjob is the heat discoloration made in rings of shade paints.
The twin fang pack marking is pretty quick and effective paint, which is great for Blood Claws, as I still have 12 or 13 to paint.
I hope to get at least five models painted in fairly quick succession to get the pack rules legal. Of course, a pack of five Blood Claws isn't very effective, so I plan to triple that, and add a Wolf Priest. All in good time.

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