15 January 2016

Long Fang with a Missile Launcher

Thinking back, I was originally going to sort of phone in the Long Fangs by simply making them through some standard kitbashing. However, the view I have of the Long Fangs as the veterans who almost leisurely take shots at the enemy from afar didn't really go with the standard available Space Wolf heads, which tend to be shouting. I have a hard time imagining an ancient warrior calmly taking aim with a heavy weapon and screaming at the same time.
 So, the logical thing was to sculpt my own head. He is scowling, but not outright screaming, and beneath that beard, he might be even smiling.
Of course, I still did do some kitbashing. The legs are from Sternguard Veterans kit, the left shoulder pad from Thunderwolf Cavalry and the missile launcher from the old Devastator Squad kit.
 From behind, the model has little special flavour to it. The backpack is a little crooked, but that's fine, since it's attached with blu-tack at this point, as are both of the arms. I won't glue them on until they're painted.
I also attached a Wolftail Talisman to the missile launcher with a piece of chain. I wanted to decorate the weapon somehow, and this was pretty much the simplest way to do it. I consider it sort of a pilot for decorating heavy weapons in the future. After all, Long Fangs are veterans and have deserved the right to customize their weapons.

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