10 January 2016

Imperial Chapel, early stage build

With the basic building elements cut out, the next stage was to start putting them together. It became immediately apparent that the pillars at each corner made things significantly more complicated that just a cubical construction would have done. The octagonal shape calls for a whole bunch of various calculations, and making the pillars solid is a challenge by itself.
 Even though I thought I was making a modestly-sized building with 15 cm wall length, it turned out to be relatively large when I tried to fit it in the box I use for photographing my models.
The pillars were made by cutting 175 mm x 80 mm pieces of foamcore and then dividing it into eight 10 mm wide and 175 mm long strips. I then cut the paper on the outside of each strip so that I could fold them inwards, making a pillar with an octagonal profile.  For the time being, I use tape to keep the pillars in shape, but will have to think of a more permanent solution.
As you can see, I used sewing needles to pin the pieces in place while waiting for the PVA glue to dry.
 The two collapsed pillars were made similarly, only cut irregularly at certain height. I plan to use the pieces I cut out of the wall elements for rubble later on.
I also started working on the interior. The walkway is placed so that models on it can fire out of the large, circular window. I'm thinking of adding stairs that lead to it, though the placement of the windows may make that challenging.

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