19 January 2016

Void Claw with a Cyclone Missile Launcher, painted

This is my 100th post, and to celebrate that, I'm finishing the first of my formations, the Void Claws. I started painting this model during the weekend, but having been surprisingly busy with other stuff, it took longer to finish than expected. The Cyclone itself adds more to painting time than expected, especially with all those nice, flat surfaces for extra decoration.
 The  first step with all the Void Claws has been to decide the individual colour scheme of the model. With this one, I felt like the model's special weaponry and bionic arm would distinguish him clearly enough from his battle brothers, but I did paint some extra yellow-on-black decorations on his helmet. As for his claws, I painted the casings the chapter's grey and his fingers black.
 The Wolf Claws were painted as usual, with Caledor Sky base, drybrushed with Fenrisian Grey and finally White Scar. I use this scheme for all the frost weaponry (excluding Frostfang), which I count Wolf Claws as.
The wolftail talismans were painted with deeper brown basecoat, then drybrushed with Gorthor Brown and finally with Dawnstone. I use this for most of the talismans, unless I want to make them stand out somewhat.
For the Cyclone itself, I decided on simple knotwork patterns on each side. with the over-under patterns opposite from each other.
This is the final model in my Void Claws, at least for now. I do consider it possible to add more, in case I want to increase the formation's size, or if I want to take them without the Cyclone at some point.

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