31 December 2015

The Blackmanes' Drop Pod & new posting schedule

Of all the vehicles in WH40k, Drop Pod is perhaps the least rewarding as a modelling and painting project, simply because of how static objects they are.
In the fluff, they are dropped from high orbit and accelerate the speed of their fall through the use of a huge thruster, until, through the use of a set of angled, smaller thrusters, they slow down abruptly. In an unusual show of realism from GW, only transhumans like the Astartes can use Drop Pods, because this rapid deceleration would kill normal humans.
Now, in game, you just place them on the field, where they stay until destroyed. Also, if I wanted, I could ally with the Imperial Guard and give them a Drop Pod, which they could use for a group of raw recruits who would be just fine until they'd be outside the pod and something looked at them funny.
 Because Ragnar Blackmane is my main warlord, I wanted to keep it fairly simple. I'm going to have to paint at least a few more of these, and getting too detailed would make that a pain. For once, GW's practice of using The Blackmane's badge as the standard actually works in my favour. I used plenty of black soot weathering powder to make the pod seem like it it has entered the atmosphere the hard way.
For the armament, I chose the Deathwind launcher. I wanted the drop pod to pose an actual risk to something on the battlefield, so that the opponent would have to either ignore it and take casualties, or divert some of their forces to dealing with it. Also, a dropped pack of ten men armed to the maximum can make a serious alpha strike, and the launcher can add to that.

In other news, this will be the last Thursday update for the time being. Starting next week, I will now post three times per week, to have more time to make bigger projects. I'll go more into it later. For now, Happy New Year!

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