8 December 2015

Space Hulk Brothe Valencio, painted

Antoher Space Hulk Terminator, this time Brother Valencio with his chainfist. I should point out that I may not yet be completely finished with painting this one, and will definitely at least varnish the model.
 I find that the red and white colour scheme of the model's right shoulder pad catches the eye very well, and meshes nicely with the gold of the decorations. Although I don't necessarily try to paint each model to look exactly as they do in the back of the Missions book, there are relatively few places to depart from that scheme. In this model's case, I did paint his chainfist's fingers and chainblade casing black instead of red. Shocking, I know.
 The devil is in the details, as they say, and I make a point of trying to paint at least something eyecatching in the models. In this case, that job went to the black and yellow cabling connecting the model's helmet to his armour.
Rear view of the model reveals many of the places I find should be touched up a little before varnishing. Back of the model's legs could use some more highlighting, and the metal colour is inconsistent in quite a few places. I may append this entry once I'm really done with the model, depending when that will be.

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