15 December 2015

Kataphron Destroyer Battle Servitor, painted

I decided it was time to nudge my Adeptus Mechanicus army forward a little bit, and started with a solid core of rock-hard Troops choices (or at least one Troop choice, I haven't actually decided if the next one will be a unit of Kataphron Breachers or a Dominus).
 I built the models according to the instructions, without really adding anything. The models are so full of details, there really isn't much space for aftermarket green stuff customisation, yet so small that connecting LEDs or other electronics doesn't really seem practical.
What I did like about the models is that since their guns and waists aren't fixed, they can be posed much more freely than the Skitarii models, for example.
 I also followed the 'Eavy Metal teams Mars colour scheme pretty exactly, even though I feel like that's something of a mistake, since inviting comparison with professional painters is not something I like to do.
One thing I did do clearly differently was to trace the edges of the model's skin areas with Carrowburg Crimson (yup, the differences are that small) I wanted to make the contact surfaces between the skin and the metal look raw and unhealthy. After all, the servitors are just tools to be used, and I can only assume the organic parts can be recycled with frightening ease.
Since the Cult Mechanicus Codex included a canonical Mars marking guide, I followed that, too, and used the transfers from the kit to give the servitor individual marking (How individual will it be, if there's only one transfer sheet and I may have dozens of Kataphrons? Gotta learn to freehand these) and the Forgeworld icon.

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