3 December 2015

Tree, painted

I decided the set I use to photograph my miniatures could use some more stuff in the background, and started to look into making terrain pieces. I follow Mel the Terrain Tutor on YouTube, and among his videos, found one on how to make miniature trees out of wire. I keep various gauges of wire handy all the time for Green Stuff armatures, so I decided to give it a try.
 The process for making the tree armature was simple enough, and Mel explains it better than I could on the video linked above.
The next step was covering the armature with modelling putty and somewhat hiding the wire construction. I used Green Stuff for this, though it honestly may not be the best material for this, as you really don't need too fine detail for this. Of course, I forgot to take a picture of this stage, but there wouldn't have been that much to see, other than the shape of the tree below, only green and without the conifers/foliage.
I also glued the tree onto a base made out of plasticard, with some pieces of cork under it to look like it's growing out of rocky ground.
Here's the tree painted, varnished etc. In a word, finished. I wanted my tree to look coniferous, so I tried out something different from Mel's videos, and glued some Gale Force Nine Coniferous Flock Blend to the branches, instead of using lichen.
I would call the experiment a moderate success. It doesn't look quite as much like a pine tree as I had hoped, but all in all, I'd say it does the job.
Having finished with the actual tree, I finalized the base by painting in my usual style.
I intend to make another tree at some point, but will probably try out some putty other than green stuff, which I believe is better used elsewhere. For the next tree, I'm planning to add some eye-catching details that would be at home on a battlefield. I'm afraid I can't be more specific, because I don't even know myself what will those be. I'll think of something.

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