24 December 2015

Unidentified Wolf Lord (Christmas Special, pt. 1)

So far, most of my HQ choices are special characters, and while it's nice to be able to field characters that already have a history, personality and general background, sometimes I want to have my own Wolf Lord that is not being written from Nottingham. I plan to write some actual background for the character tomorrow, but for now, let's just say Logan Grimnar's little sleigh of murder opened a door for this guy.
 The inspiration for the model came from the various myths and versions of Father Christmas AKA Santa Claus, mostly focusing on the Northern European Yuletide traditions, though there is a little Saint Nicholas in there, too (specifically the scarf, which can be seen in many depictions of the saint). I also added a subtle reference to Yule on his belt in the form of the small circle, symbolizing the sun, as is fitting for a celebration of the winter solstice.
 The most visible part of the model is clearly the horns, referencing more than a few Northern European traditions of Yule, such as Yule Goat in the Nordic Countries and Krampus in Germany. It took me a while to figure out how to add horns on a Space Wolf model without making him outright a Chaos worshipping renegade, until I simply decided they're a trophy taken from a Xenos creature he killed, presumably in hand-to-hand combat, as can be deduced from him having a Wolf Claw on his right hand...
...and a Chainfist on his left. I originally considered just giving the model a pair of Power Fists, but that would have been very inefficient use of points. I wasn't entirely happy with the thought of him having a pair of Wolf Claws either, so I went for an anti-infantry weapon on his right and an anti-armour for his left hand. They are both Special Weapons, so he gets +1 A, and is able to counter a variety of threats.
I'll cover the model's narrative side in Part 2 of the Christmas Special. For now, merry Christmas if you celebrate it, happy holidays if you have time off and have a nice day if you're working!

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