4 December 2015

Brother Goriel of Space Hulk

When Space Hulk was last re-released, it was sold out in Games Workshop webstore within a few hours, and the third party retailer I preordered my copy from sold it out in a day or so, too. I guess I was somewhat lucky to be able to secure a copy. I have to admit, this is a high quality product, with the tokens and board pieces made of thick, heavy-duty cardboard and the models very detailed.
Out of the Blood Angels in the box, Brother Goriel's model has to be my favourite. The deep gouges in his armour make it clear that the close combat victory over the Genestealer didn't come easily, as it shouldn't, if you look at the game's rules.
I generally prefer to not go too much to the orange side of colour spectrum when highlighting reds, even if it leaves the model's overall shade a little dark. My highlight colour was Evil Sunz Scarlet, which doesn't really have any noticeable yellow hue in it.
 After varnishing the model with the standard Purity Seal spray, I used gloss varnish to pick out the Genestealer's remains, to give it a glistening, slimy look.
I took care to check the Terminators' heraldry in the Mission Book, to stick to the established canon. I'm also very happy that the book included those separately, as I sometimes tend to be borderline neurotic with my models fitting in the canon.
I may make a blog post of each of the Terminators in the box, given time. I guess I could also blog about the Genestealers, though those would probably have to be handled in groups, given their large number. This would also motivate me to finish painting them already, as it's been almost a year and a half.

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