22 December 2015

Wolf Guard with Wolf Claws

If you look at the title, you can see one of the problems people tend to have with Space Wolves, and I can't really say I disagree. GW has done great work to bring the Viking mythology to the millenniums 30, 41 and those in between, yet when they name things or try to come up with motifs for the Rout, they always go wolf this or wolf that.
As for the model this post is about, I have actually already shown it once, though the paintwork has been somewhat touched up since.
 I'm still relatively satisfied with the red hair and beard I painted on the model the first time around, and didn't do anything to those. Instead, I painted the wolf claws to be consistent with those on my (later) Terminator models, Void Claws to be specific. I also made the shades deeper and the highlights brighter, as the original paintjob was really rather messy and mild.
 The yellow on the left shoulderpad is really fragile, and when I added the shade between the rim and the pad, the result wasn't as neat as I hoped. Not a disaster, just could be better. The original model is actually old enough to feature what I used to think of as my Wolf Guard shoulder pad, with the knotwork-decorated wolf's head.
The last thing I added was the gem on the right gauntlet. I used a mix of greens and blues, instead of just using the same colours as I tend to use on the Wolf Claws and Frost Blades.
The pack marking on this model is not used anywhere else in my army, at least not yet. I originally made him to be the leader of a 15-man Blood Claw pack, though I'm not sure I'd want to invest that many points in one model, especially since a unit that size would need a Land Raider Crusader or a Stormwolf, and a Wolf Priest to make the pack Fearless and a little bit harder to kill. Seeing that the Wolf Priest would have an AP4 weapon standard, a Power Fist might make more sense for the pack leader. Will have to think on that, or maybe make several alternative models of this same guy. Would help me decide what to do with all those duplicate heads, at least.

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