13 December 2015

Grey Hunter of the Redmaws, painted

Slowly, I keep going through my Grey Hunters and finishing them. This one is a rather unsung hero, with no special ranged or assault weapons. Of course, in the fluff, he'd still single-handedly kill a squad of unaugmented soldiers and wouldn't even need his bolter to do it.
 I took the models head from Wolf Guard Terminators kit. Since I have something of a policy to not use a bare head I haven't sculpted on a Terminator model, each box gives me a few more heads for my Grey Hunters (Blood Claws not so much, since I prefer them to not have beards). To further identify him, I painted some runic tattoos on his temples. 
 I make a point of putting at least some sort of individual markings on each model's battle helmet, even if the model is not currently wearing it. Narratively, the model wouldn't want to not be recognised making a saga-worthy kill just because the enemy used chemical weapons strong enough to bother Astartes physique.
I try to remember to give each Grey Hunter a bolt pistol, a close combat weapon and a bolter, or the weapons used to replace any of those. Most often, this means a holstered bolt pistol, and I'm currently thinking about ordering a pack of those from Forgeworld.

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