2 February 2016

Fourth Blood Claw of the Blackmanes

The nice thing about modelling Blood Claws is that they allow me to use up the more generic Space Marine parts that would be a little on the boring side on more specialized Space Wolf models like Wolf Guard or Long Fangs, or even Grey Hunters. I try to keep the number of the more wolfy parts per model small, as well as avoid using power armour parts of the Mk. IV or earlier, as they would be considered relics by the Chapter.
 The most obvious part of this model are the chains attached to his weapons. It makes sense to me that a warrior would want to make sure he won't lose his weapons. On the other hand, it could also be that he has already shown carelessness with his wargear, and an Iron Priest had them attached to his armour using a highly visible and very embarrassing method. Either way, the chains tell a story, but the viewer decides what that story is.
Just to keep things fresh, I went from one extreme to another. The previous model was bald, so this one has long hair. Haven't decided on a hair colour yet.
I wanted to give the model a hairstyle familiar from many fantasy movies. IIRC, you may have seen Gandalf wear his hair in a similar fashion in the movies.

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