26 February 2016

The Redmaws' Grey Hunter Plasma Gunner, painted

I'm not yet quite sure just how I'm going to utilize the Curse of the Wulfen rules. I do plan to model at least a few Blood Claws on whom the Chapter's prodigal sons have clearly been a bad influence. I haven't decided which Great Company they shall be, though I suspect I continue to build up the Blackmanes. That said, I plan to make at least one other The Redmaws Grey Hunter pack, so that I can have at least a Combined Arms Detachment of them, if nothing else. Also, at least the various Priests, Dreadnoughts, my Scouts and Fenrisian Wolves aren't explicitly a part of any GC.
Anyway, for now, let's just finish the first pack of the Redmaws.
I'm not sure how satisfied I am with the pose. This Mk. II arm was the closest I could find to what I wanted, ie. holding the plasma gun on his shoulder in a relaxed, almost overconfident manner. The grinning face looks a little funny, making him look like he's just pulled some great prank, which he may have done, if blasting an enemy's hear off with plasma is considered a prank.
 I very slightly altered my method of painting the company badge by changing the other triangle to a square instead. The end result looks more like the badge shown in the books.
Again, I painted a knotwork pattern on the model's helmet. Considering that these patterns are supposedly used to distinguish the pack members from one another, I may have used the same figure on too many models. However, this one would probably be more readily identified by his weaponry and the two wolf skulls on his equipment, one of which seems to include a targeting array of some sort.
That concludes my plasma pack. Of course, I still need to come up with a transport for then, but let's put a pin in that for now.

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