21 February 2016

The Blackmanes' Fifth Blood Claw, painted

I haven't read Curse of the Wulfen rules too carefully yet, but Ragnar Blackmane's Blood Claws seemed to get a boost, which I like, as I prefer to make my armies based on fluff, rather than by optimising everything, and having Ragnar Blackmane lead a bunch of grumpy, old Sky Warriors just feels wrong. I still have at least ten of these left to build and paint in this pack alone, so I didn't want to waste too much time between modelling and painting.
 I like how maniacal this guy looks. The way I see Space Wolves, their emotional range should cover berserker rage, stoicism and gleeful joy of battle. GW's kits cover the heads well enough for the first two, but the only example of the last one that I can think of is Lukas the Trickster.
I wanted a model with very light blonde hair, so I continued highlighting the hair to almost completely white, and might have continued up to include it, but didn't want him to look like he's greying.
I also painted several red and yellow individual decorations on the model.
The pack markings came out a little asymmetrical, but since correcting that would have been pretty tricky on a yellow background, I decided to let it be.

The pack is now large enough to be fielded without a Wolf Guard pack leader, yay! I don't think I will, though.

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